Travel Industry Rate

Exclusively for Travel Industry members, book your next stay for less with Rotana hotels & resorts and enjoy a 25% off on the best available room rate.

To book, please select your preferred destination, date of arrival and length of stay in the reservation box.

Terms and conditions: The above discount is per room, per night and is based on single or double occupancy. Discount is based on the Best Available Room Rate and is exclusive of service charge, government taxes or any other taxes. Offer is subject to availability. This offer is valid for a maximum of 2 room bookings at a time per employee for a maximum of 6 nights stay if availably. The booking must be under the employee’s name and a valid Airline or Travel Industry ID should be presented upon check-in to avail this special rate. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotions offer. Other terms and conditions apply.

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These pages are provided by Rotana for the sole purpose of effecting reservations for this exclusive offer. Read more at
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